Consume these 16 fruits to get pregnant quickly
Food, Pregnancy

Consume these 16 fruits to get pregnant quickly

In addition to vegetables, fruits are also rich in vitamins that are beneficial for a pregnancy program

Fruits contain vitamins and minerals that are beneficial for overall health. Moreover, consuming fruits is believed to support pregnancy programs!

Fruits contain vitamins needed by couples, for example, folic acid, which enhances fertility, supports fetal growth, and reduces the risk of birth defects. Bananas, papayas, avocados, and oranges are fruits that are rich in folate.

If you’re currently on a pregnancy program, let’s explore the 16 fruits that are beneficial for preconception that we’ve compiled:


ripe bananas
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Bananas are rich in potassium, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamin C, vitamin B6, potassium, and magnesium. These nutritional contents and vitamins can help improve fertility.

Additionally, consuming bananas can enhance sperm and egg quality and regulate reproductive hormones.

Dragon Fruit

close up photo of sliced dragon fruit
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Dragon fruit contains carbohydrates, vitamin C, vitamin B, iron, potassium, and even calcium, which are beneficial for providing energy and boosting the immune system during pregnancy.

Research published on reveals that dragon fruit extract at a dose of 500 mg/kg effectively increases sperm count and viability.

Dragon fruit extract effectively boosts androgen concentration, increases sperm count, viability, motility, and the overall quantity of sperm.


green kiwi fruits
Photo by Anthony 📷📹🙂 on

Yes, kiwi fruit is believed to support a smooth pregnancy program. Kiwi contains compounds that promote relaxation, which contributes to getting quality sleep and rest. Sufficient and quality rest is essential for couples on a pregnancy journey.

To ensure a successful pregnancy program, it’s advisable for mothers to regularly consume kiwi fruit even before starting the pregnancy program to maintain controlled blood pressure.


close up shot of an apple on the tree
Photo by Mark Stebnicki on

Apples are easily accessible in Indonesia. Consuming apples during a pregnancy program can help naturally detoxify the body from excess estrogen.

Moreover, apples are rich in vitamin C and iron, which can enhance fertility and regulate menstrual and ovulation cycles.


sliced melon

The vitamin A in melon contributes to the growth and maintenance of all body tissues, including skin and hair.

Melons also contain the recommended amount of folic acid for consumption by women during and before pregnancy.

Melons are even rich in vitamin C, which can boost the immune system and support egg health for fertilization.


sliced avocado
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Avocado contains vitamin K which is beneficial for couples on a pregnancy program. Vitamin K is responsible for enhancing male sex hormone secretion and addressing infertility.

Vitamin K is also crucial for preventing serious bleeding, especially during a pregnancy.


Photo by Irita Antonevica on

Blueberries can maintain heart health and blood pressure. Additionally, blueberries provide good diabetes management during a pregnancy program. According to Healthline, blueberries are among the most nutrient-dense berries.

One cup (148 grams) of blueberries contains fiber, vitamins C and K, and other nutrients like manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus.


sliced strawberries over squared bread on wooden tray
Photo by Pierre-Antoine Caisso on

Good news for strawberry enthusiasts! This fruit is beneficial for those on a pregnancy program.

Strawberries are rich in folic acid, an essential nutrient for improving fertility and supporting fetal development.


two green pear fruits
Photo by mali maeder on

Pears are rich in body-beneficial nutrients like antioxidants that fight inflammation and neutralize free radicals.

As antioxidants are known to enhance fertility for both women and men, the high iron content in pears can help reduce chromosomal damage in egg cells.


fresh guava fruits on a tree
Photo by Rajesh S Balouria on

Guava is also beneficial, especially for men. This fruit has the highest lycopene content compared to other fruits.

In 150 grams of red guava, there are 5,204 micrograms of lycopene, while tomatoes only have 3,041 micrograms.

High lycopene content can lower the number of abnormal sperm. So, for men with sperm-related issues, consuming guava regularly can be beneficial.


grape fruits
Photo by Kai-Chieh Chan on

Grapes are rich in antioxidants that boost immunity and prevent infections. These antioxidants can also enhance the quality of both sperm and eggs.

Moreover, these delicious grapes contain numerous vitamins that are beneficial for overall health and boost the body’s resistance.


sliced watermelon on plate
Photo by Lisa Fotios on

Apart from its refreshing taste, watermelon is good for fertility. This rejuvenating fruit is rich in vital nutrients that enhance fertility.

Watermelon also contains lycopene and antioxidants that aid sperm motility and boost male fertility.

Orange and Lemon

photo of orange near lemon
Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

The intake of oranges and lemons improves health and prevents the negative effects of heart-related diseases linked to obesity and diabetes.

Oranges and lemons contain a significant amount of antioxidants that shield against oxidative stress due to inflammation. They also contain compounds that lower high blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart disease.

All these conditions contribute to maintaining good health and being prepared for pregnancy.


food knife fresh fruits
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Besides being delicious, mangoes aid in calcium absorption in the body.

These fruits are an excellent source of many essential minerals and nutrients for good health.

During a pregnancy program, mangoes, rich in vitamin C and calcium, provide a good source of iron intake. They also contain antioxidants like zeaxanthin and beta-carotene.

There are about 11 milligrams of calcium in 100 grams of mango.


halves of papaya on green background
Photo by Any Lane on

Papaya, a fruit with relatively high lycopene content, is readily available. 100 grams of papaya contain 1,828 micrograms of lycopene.

Similar to other high-lycopene fruits, papaya is also rich in vitamin C. Consuming 150 grams of papaya can fulfill 98% of the daily vitamin C requirement.

High lycopene content can lower the number of abnormal sperm. So, for men facing sperm-related issues, consider incorporating papaya into your regular diet.


ripe persimmons on wicker surface
Photo by Any Lane on

Persimmon, sweet like honey, is rich in natural vitamins and beneficial compounds, especially for reproductive organ fertility.

Persimmons contain beneficial tannins that can repair and regenerate damaged cells, aiding in detoxification and improving organ system health.

The fruit’s nutrients can enhance stamina and metabolism due to its high vitamin B content, which boosts the immune system.

An improved metabolism allows the body’s organs to function optimally, thus enhancing fertility.

Incorporating these fruits into your diet can provide a range of beneficial nutrients that support fertility and overall health during pregnancy. Always consult with a healthcare professional before making significant dietary changes, especially during pregnancy planning.

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