
5 Things You Need to Know About Cavities


5 Things You Need to Know About Cavities

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5 Things You Need to Know About Cavities – Tooth decay is one of the most common dental problems. Not only children, but anyone can experience this condition, including adults and the elderly. 

This condition usually develops slowly. If cavities are not treated properly, they will get bigger and affect the deepest layers of the teeth. 

Of course, this condition causes discomfort for the sufferer. In fact, this condition can cause sufferers to experience tooth loss.

Causes of Cavities

Cavities are generally preceded by the appearance of plaque on the tooth surface. Plaque comes from leftover foods that contain sugar, such as bread, cereal, milk, soft drinks, fruit, cakes or candy, which are then converted by natural bacteria in the mouth into acid. 

The combination of bacteria, acid, leftover food in the mouth, and saliva, will form plaque that sticks to the teeth. The acid found in the plaque slowly erodes the layers of the tooth, until it forms a hole in the tooth.

Risk Factors for Cavities

In addition, cavities can also be triggered by several other factors, such as:

  • Do not use toothpaste containing fluoride , which is a compound that is generally contained in toothpaste. It serves to treat health and prevent damage to the teeth.
  • Eating too many sweet or sour foods or drinks.
  • Dry mouth.
  • Have an eating disorder (eg, anorexia or bulimia) and acid reflux disease.
  • Aging.
  • Regular use of drugs, supplements, vitamins, or herbal products that contain sugar.
  • Rarely brushing or flossing teeth.
  • The location of the back teeth is prone to cavities.
  • Have a medical history of Sjögren’s syndrome.

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Symptoms of Cavities

The signs and symptoms of cavities vary depending on the severity and location of the cavities. 

At the beginning of the formation of the hole, this condition does not cause any symptoms in the sufferer. However, as the hole enlarges, this condition can trigger a variety of symptoms, such as:

  • Toothache.
  • Tooth sensitivity.
  • Mild to severe pain when consuming sweet and hot or cold foods or drinks.
  • Visible holes in the teeth.
  • Black or white brown stains on the surface of the teeth.
  • Pain when biting.

There may be other signs and symptoms not listed above. If someone has concerns about a particular symptom, discuss it with the dentist immediately.

Diagnostics of Cavities

Examination usually begins with a question and answer session, especially regarding the symptoms experienced by the sufferer. The dentist will then look at the condition of the mouth and teeth, then touch the teeth with a special tool to check for soft areas due to tooth decay.

Dental x-rays can also be used to check the condition of the teeth. X-rays can show damage that occurs in teeth that are usually not visible to the eye.

Cavities Treatment

Treatment for cavities depends on the severity. There are several ways to treat it, including:


If the tooth cavity is still small and not deep, fillings can be done immediately.

Root Canal Treatment

If the tooth cavity is large and deep enough to reach the root canal, the dentist will first perform root canal treatment. You do this by removing the decaying nerve tissue and blood vessels.

When the root canal has been cleaned of rotten nerve tissue and blood vessels, the canal will then be filled with medicine. After that, the tooth will be patched. Or you can also make restorations or crowns on it.

Crown Making

If the tooth decay is so severe that it leaves a small amount of remaining crown, treatment can be done by making a dental crown.


Revocation is the last step that can be taken. This is usually needed when the cavities are too severe, so no other treatment can be done. 

Cavities Complications

It’s best not to underestimate cavities. Conditions that are not treated immediately can lead to various health complications, such as:

  • Tooth abscess.
  • Swelling and the appearance of pus around the teeth.
  • Broken teeth.
  • Chewing disorders.
  • Loss of teeth.
  • Infections in the mouth and teeth area.

Cavity Prevention

To prevent your teeth from cavities easily, do the following:

  • Brush your teeth twice a day using a toothpaste that contains fluoride .
  • Use the proper brushing technique.
  • Don’t forget to always clean between your teeth every day using dental floss . Avoid using toothpicks.
  • Talk to your dentist about getting additional fluoride treatments .
  • Eat nutritious and balanced meals.
  • Reduce intake of snacks that contain high sugar.
  • Cut down on fizzy or acidic foods or drinks.
  • Drink lots of water.
  • Make regular visits to the doctor at least once every six months.

When to go to the doctor?

You should not underestimate the cavities that you experience. Take treatment according to the advice and recommendations of the doctor to prevent the condition from worsening or complications that may occur.

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