
What you should know about herbal plants

“Herbal plants—The benefits of castor leaf have long been known as herbal medicine. One of them is to relieve swelling and pain.”

Herbal plants are plants that are believed to contain various vitamins and minerals that can help overcome various health complaints experienced. There are various parts of the plant that can be used as herbal medicine, from the leaves, roots, to flowers. 

Although it has been used for generations, but if not used properly, this treatment can have the potential to cause worse health problems. For this reason, don’t take herbal medicines carelessly and make sure you take them according to the instructions or directions from the experts. 

Types of Herbal Plants

There are several types of herbal plants that are often used as treatment or handling of mild health complaints, namely:

  • Ginseng. Ginseng root is used to treat various health complaints and functions to increase body immunity, brain function, and energy levels.
  • Ginkgo Biloba. Ginkgo biloba has been trusted for hundreds of years to be a herbal medicine that can be used to maintain a healthy heart and brain. 
  • Turmeric. Turmeric is known as an herbal remedy that has anti-inflammatory properties to treat pain associated with joint pain.
  • Chamomile. The flowers of this plant are used to treat diarrhea, constipation, bladder infections, to treat wounds. You can find this drug in the form of tea or dried flowers.

How to consume herbal plants 

There are various types of herbal plants that can be consumed. They are usually processed into powder, capsules, cream, dried, chopped, and made into a liquid. 

Here’s how to use herbal plants that are commonly done, namely:

  • Herbal medicine in the form of capsules is usually consumed directly using plain water.
  • Drugs in liquid form can also be consumed directly.
  • Herbal medicine that has been crushed can be consumed like tea.
  • Dried herbal medicine can be consumed by boiling.
  • Herbal medicine in the form of a cream can be directly applied to the parts of the body that require treatment.
  • Herbal remedies can also be used for bathing in warm water.

You should not self-diagnose the health complaints you are experiencing. Make sure you consult a doctor before using any treatment or treatment using herbal ingredients.  

Things to Pay Attention to when Consumption of Herbal Plants

Here are things you need to pay attention to before using herbal ingredients:

  • Make sure you know the information and explanation about the herbal ingredients that you will use.
  • If you decide to use herbal ingredients as a treatment, don’t use it as the main treatment. Use as a supportive treatment only.
  • Make sure you follow the dosage or how to consume it according to the information given.
  • Be aware of allergic reactions that can occur after taking herbal remedies.
  • There is nothing wrong with finding out the manufacturer or maker of the herbal medicine that you will consume to ensure the safety and cleanliness of the medicine you are taking.

Who Should Avoid Herbs?

Herbal ingredients can not be consumed by everyone. There are several groups that should avoid using it for treatment, such as:

  • Kidney disorders.
  • Pregnant and lactating women.
  • elderly.
  • Children.

Herbal Plant Side Effects

The following are the side effects of herbal plants to watch out for, namely:

  • Allergic reaction.
  • Rash.
  • Asthma .
  • Dizzy.
  • Headache.
  • Nauseous.
  • Vomit.
  • Bloated.
  • Diarrhea.

When to go to the doctor?

You should immediately visit the hospital and get checked when you experience symptoms of an allergic reaction. It is important to always take the drug according to the advice and advice of the doctor.

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